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On this page, you’ll learn about the seller’s compliance with the shipping and delivery timeframe. The general terms set out in this document shall apply exclusively to the sale and delivery of products to the customers.


The shipping requirements are as follows:

  • All the parcels must have shipment labels on the packaging box. Each label should be unique. Refrain from reusing, copying, or modifying labels on extra boxes.
  • The shipment labels should be placed in such a manner that they can be seen clearly and can be visually located. Place it either on the top or side of the box.
  • Place the shipping labels in a way that the tape used for sealing the package does not cover any important information like barcodes.
  • The seller needs to explicitly mention on the products page in bold the name of the third party courier partners they have tied up with for deliveries.


  • The seller should deliver the products within the estimated delivery date to the buyer. This is conditional upon the buyer’s fulfilment of their own contractual agreements. The delivery date can be extended if the buyer fails to fulfil these obligations.
  • When the supplier notifies the purchasers that the order is ready to be shipped, then the order must be shipped and delivered within the promised date.
  • If the supplier fails to deliver the products within the promised delivery date, the supplier needs to inform the purchasers in writing about the reason for such delay. The communication should be done via email or telephone.
  • In the event that the buyer is not able to collect the products at the agreed delivery date, the seller should make necessary arrangements for the storage of the products. The buyer shall be responsible for any costs arising from such delay. This includes but is not limited to the storage costs, insurance and handling of the products. 
  • In case of delayed delivery due to circumstances where the buyer is liable, a new delivery date is to be agreed upon; conditional on the acceptance of the supplier. 
  • If the seller is in a situation where he is unable to fulfil all the products in an order, then he should ensure partial delivery of the orders as well as communicate to the purchaser about the unfulfilled products.