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eCommerce Platform for Sellers: Products and Services to Sell | 26372

Published By: Admin | Support Team1

  • 26372
Discover the diverse product types available on BSMe2e, the ultimate new era eCommerce platform for sellers. From simple, modular products to downloadable items, affiliate offers, bulk and bundled products, and even bookable services, BSMe2e provides the flexibility and options you need to thrive in the online marketplace. Watch the video to learn more about each product type and how they can help you maximize your sales potential on BSMe2e. For details on each product t... Continue reading
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Discover the diverse product types available on BSMe2e, the ultimate new era eCommerce platform for sellers. From simple, modular products to downloadable items, affiliate offers, bulk and bundled products, and even bookable services, BSMe2e provides the flexibility and options you need to thrive in the online marketplace. Watch the video to learn more about each product type and how they can help you maximize your sales potential on BSMe2e. For details on each product type you could sell on BSMe2e, visit our Blogs.

BSMe2e: The new eCommerce platform for sellers to successfully sell a variety of products and services

Simple Products

Selling single items with straightforward attributes. Easy to manage and control inventory for individual items. Why Simple products are key to your Online Shop? Visit blog for details.

Variable Products

Selling products in different shapes such as sizes or colours. Customizable options to suit customer preferences. Want to know the power of selling Versatile products, customizable products, Visit blog for details.

Downloadable Products

Showcase your digital goods, including e-books, software, or music, providing instant access and convenient digital delivery to customers. Want to sell digital products and services? Visit blog for details.

Affiliate Products

Showcase your products from external sources, and your collaboration with referral links. Opportunity to earn commissions directly through referral partnerships. Looking for tips to Monetize your vLogging with Affiliate Programs, Partner products, Referral merchandise, Visit blog for details.

Grouped Products

Offer groups or bundles of related items to increase value. Possibility of cross-selling and abundance of related items. Visit blog for benefits of offering Grouped Products.

Bundle Combo Products

Offer your bundles, pre-packaged kits for special promotions, providing attractive offers to increase sales and encourage package buying.Showcase your multi-item packages for convenience and savings, and offer diverse options for customers looking for bulk solutions. Why Bundle deals are the best, visit our blog for details.

Bookable Products and Services

List your services or rentals that can be scheduled or booked online. With booking capabilities highlight specific services that can be booked or reserved on BSMe2e. Simplify the booking process and manage service availability, all at ease. Start selling your Professional services, Personal services, appointment-based services, Book-now products, Instant services. Visit blog for details.

For Step-by-step walkthrough of adding different product types and services to your Online Shop, visit our Seller Manuals.
Track your sales, order real-time and customer stats, inquiries, all full store options within the BSMe2e seller dashboard and store manager.

Ready to Expand Your Product Offering? Join BSMe2e : Your One Stop eCommerce Platform for Sellers

Register Now, Basic Plan is free.

Visit the Sellers, Advertisers and Customers section.

Visit our blogs for tips on making use of advertising options and starting an online business, and setting up your products and services.

Participate in the exciting vendor competition, advertising contest. Visit our events and promotions.

For details on how to set up each product type and seller journey, visit our other videos and you can check our FAQ and Seller Guide.

For any general inquiries or support requests, please submit a support ticket.

Welcome to BSMe2e, a vibrant platform brimming with exciting events, contests, and a thriving marketplace. We're committed to providing a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone – users, sellers, advertisers, and agents. To ensure a seamless journey, participation in any BSMe2e event or contest requires adherence to our comprehensive event policies.

BSMe2e Event Policies to Help You Participate with Purpose

  • Users: Let your talents shine! BSMe2e offers a platform to showcase your skills, engage in skill-sharing, and seize opportunities. Remember, respect and integrity are the cornerstones of our community. For detailed guidelines, visit our dedicated policy page on Talent Competition Conditions.
  • Sellers: Your storefronts are the lifeblood of our marketplace. To maintain a trustworthy environment, adhering to our Seller Service Policies is crucial. These policies cover everything from product listings to customer interactions, fostering a standardized and professional experience across all eStores. Explore the Terms and Conditions for a clear understanding.
  • Advertisers: You're the storytellers, bringing brands and services to life with your creative ads. Your contributions fuel our ecosystem, and following our Advertisement Policies is essential. These guidelines ensure a respectful and lawful marketing practice, upholding the integrity of our advertising space. Dive deeper into the Advertisers Policies to craft impactful campaigns.
  • Agents: As BSMe2e ambassadors, you play a pivotal role in fostering growth and connections. Following our Agent Program Policies equips you with the knowledge to excel and champion the values of our community.

Each event and contest has its own set of terms and conditions, detailed within specific policy pages. We highly recommend thoroughly reviewing these terms before engaging in any activity on our platform.

A Commitment to All

At BSMe2e, we wish to foster a community that celebrates innovation and mutual respect. Our policies support this commitment, ensuring every interaction is rooted in excellence.

Join the BSMe2e Journey

Unleash your potential, connect with a global audience, and be part of a futuristic marketplace that celebrates talent and entrepreneurship. At BSMe2e, your journey to success begins!